Part 1:
Kiev Kyiv — столиця України, one of most cities of Europe. It is located on a river Дніпро. The population of Kiev makes an approximately 4130 thousand of persons[1] (registered as habitants of Kiev — a 2718 thousand[2]). Area of city — 839 cmI. Together with suburbs forms Київську агломерацію with the combined population there is a 5206 thousand of habitants. Kiev is separate administrativno-teritorialnoyo unit in composition of Ukraine, its status is determined by the special law. Also Kiev is an administrative center Київської області. A city is the center of Ukraine cultural, governmental, scientific, industrial and transport. It is northward Ukraine central to part. With 30 січня 1918 year to грудня 1919 year and with червня 1934 year on on August, 24 1991 year — capital УРСР. A city has the coat of arms and flag. Origin of the name
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Part 2:
Features of translations of the name on other languages In Slavonic languages second gallons in the name of this city is considerably varied, that on occasion it is conditioned by the features of education in the given language of possessive adjective from the name Кий. For example, in Russian Ciev, in Polish Kijouw («ciyov» is read), in Kiev Serbian and Croatian and others like that. In relation to unslavonic languages, history was folded so, that the name came in these languages through Russian, therefore mostly we have there a vowel near to e: English Kiev, German Kiew and others like that. However after gaining by Ukraine of independence a tendency appeared to require that in the questions of the names of the Ukrainian cities foreign languages took the Ukrainian name for a basis, instead of Russian. Especially it touches English which really is most used as international. A word Kyiv, which now is often used as the English equivalent of word Kiev, but had acquainted for the English-language people, appeared so. Climate Climate- moderate-continental. Average monthly temperatures the January ?5,5 °C, July +19,2 °C. Absolute minimum — ?32.2 °C (February 1929)[3], absolute maximum — +39,9 °C (August 1898). Average annual amount of precipitations — 649 mm, the maximum of precipitations is on July (88 mm), minimum — on October (35 mm). In winter a snow cover appears in Kiev, middle height of cover in February 20 sm, maximal — 440 sm. Average annual general cloudiness — 6,4 marks, a maximum is on December (8,2), minimum — on August (4,8). Middle humidity of air — from 64 % (May) to 85 % (November).
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Ecology Forests, parks and gardens, make more than the half of area of Kiev with almost 80 000 hectares On one kiever (by the state on 2004 year) it was 22,1 m2 зелених насаджень (after international norms, this index is to be not less after 20 cv. m) In the forest-parks of city, especially in long-term forests, the row of wild types of birds nests yet, first turn of predators and such, that nest in hollows, the varieties of bats live. Most these kinds are brought to the Red book of Ukraine. For example, natural boundary the «Bald mountain» — actually island in the middle of city building of Kiev. Here during many years a military objective was located, thanks to what (from data of employees of Institute of zoology) to for some time past the kinds, brought to the Red book — black apolon, mahaon, goloub'yanca Meleagr, beetle-deer, bee-carpenter, small vechornitsya, were saved. Within the limits of city yet there are the settlements of bobriv, relatively recently yet there was an otter (possibly it lives within the limits of city and now). Important part in saving of biomnogoobraziya of city is acted by Dnepr with its bays, influxes, islands. Here not only ten types of birds nest, but also are marked thousandth accumulations of the last in the period of flights and zimivl. Thus not rarely it is rare kinds. So, in the period of spring migration, on the contrary housing array Obolon in 1994 there were accumulations of gogolya of to several hundred osobin. On the Bortnitsciy zroshouvalniy system, a few years ago, to two ten orlaniv-bilohvostiv wintered (in Ukraine of them no more than 20 pairs nest and to 200 osobin winters). A considerable value is had by small rivers and natural areas of back-waters.
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Part 4:
History Establishment Kiev was founded, as assert археологи, in the end V — to the first half VI століттях (lately these data are added to the doubt). The certificates about establishment of Kiev meet in Велесовій книзі in such small planks: 4-g, 73, 15-b, 2-b and in. Establishment of Kiev, as well as many other cities, glorified by poetic legends. Archaeological researches exposed that the first city settlement on territory of Hem has appeared not early than 880th[4] In obedience to the traditional point of view, with 882 Kiev was the capital of Ciivscoi Russia. A byzantine emperor Constantin of Bagryanorodniy, which wrote in the middle of X age, marked that Kiev has had the second name — Samvatas. Probably, it was either the ancient name of city or its denotation in an unslavonic environment. A word, possibly, takes place from a hazarscoi language and means the «overhead strengthening». The results of some archaeological excavations ground to consider that already in VI—VII ages of settlement on right shore of Dnepr it is possible to consider a city.[5] This conception which is supported by celebration in 1982 1500-littya Kiev was examined as generally accepted. But, oppositely to «anniversary conception» the part of historian and archaeologists considers, as well as preliminary, that establishment of Kiev as cities took place in VIII—H age. Only at the end of this period the separate settlements met in the unique settlement of city character.[6] VIII—XIII age During the VIII—XII item Kiev was the capital of the slavonic state Русь (historiography term Київська Русь), which with the IX item was stretched out from Балтійського to Чорного seas. Advantageous geographical position of Kiev on wide water auction one шляху «з варяг в греки» on Dnepr assisted to its mushroom growth. In ІХ and the first half Х століттях Kiev was already considered most center of that time shopping and cultural Східної Європи, transit trade between the East and the West passed through it. Already in IX столітті here lived over 50 000 habitants (for comparison in Paris — 20 000), there were about 400 churches, 8 базарів, most бібліотека christian world. Thanks to dynastic marriages the Kiev had copulas with different countries Європи.
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Part 5:
Soviet period 1920th years At the beginning of 1920th work of communal networks was picked up thread, streetcar connection, with 1925 bus motion is inculcated. The basic Kiev enterprises were rebuilt: «arsenal» (then - the Chervonopraporniyts factory), factory of col. Gretera and Crivaneca (with 1922 — «Bolshevist»), machine-building plant Mloshevscogo (later - factory of Artema), Pivdennorosiysciy machine-building plant (with 1924 — «leninist smithy»), candy factory (later — the name of Charles Marcsa). On a project Є. Патона on the ruins of the Chain bridge the bridge of im was built. Evgenii Bosh. In the street and areas of Kiev soutsilno renamed in honour communist figures new monuments and obelisks, the characteristic representative of which the monument of Charles Marcsa (sc. Y.Chaycov) became on, were erected Радянському майдані. 1930th years 1930th years became culmination масових репресій, that were conducted by soviet power. In particular the mass executions done by soviet state security services passed on territory of Kiev. In brotherly graves in Биківні approximately 100 thousand Ukrainians lie, almost a half from which is shot up in t.zv. October palace. The organs of COMMITTEE of state security «copied» off the crime on Germans. Only in the end 80th years ХХ the known true about Bicivnyo became of item. Annually 21 травня in the Bicovnyanscomou forest near Kiev the day of memory of victims of communist repressions is conducted. in 1934, after return of capital to Kiev, a city tested cardinal alteration. In particular it was taken on the Mihaylivsciy area Михайлівський Золотоверхий монастир, in place of which the house of TSC CP() Ou. Boulo is built a trehsvyatitelscou church is destroyed also, church of our Lady Pirogoshoi, barocovi Bogoyavlensciy (Brotherly) and Micilsciy Military cathedrals, Voscresenscou and Petropavlivscou churches on Hem, Cirilivscou bell tower, clasitsistichni temples of Nick Dobrogo, Christmas, sv. Olga, numerous churches of middle ХІХ — poch. ХХ item The defeat of sacralnih building was accompanied by physical extermination or reference of servants of cult of all confessions. It was annihilated and a history cemetery is regenerate on a park on an Ascoldoviy grave, quite a bit other prominent burial places vanished. The row of office building, among which house of Supreme Soviet and house of RNC UKRAINE, was built at this time (now - house of government). Multistoried building with the central heating, hot water-supply, elevators were erected also. in 1935 in Kiev the first trolleybus was neglected and the first telephone EXCHANGES are brought into action.
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Part 6:
1960th — 1980th years At the same time a duty atheistic campaign forced closure of row of temples, that picked up thread activity in the war-time, taking of a few cult building, quite a bit history burial places were broke, the Louc'yanivsce cemetery Jewish and caraimsce is raided by an area over 25 ga. Slipshod attitude toward the technological requirements resulted in a scale Куренівської трагедії, long time by zamovouvanoi power. At the circumstances nez'yasovanih to the end in 1964 unique materials were destroyed by a fire from the funds of the State public library of AN UKRAINE. In 1960 years ourbanizatsiyni processes were sharply accelerated, thanks to what with 1959 on 1979 the common amount of residents of Kiev grew from 1,09 to a 2,12 million of persons. In these years new housing arrays were taken on left shore of Dnepr — Русанівка, Березняки, Воскресенка, Лівобережний, Комсомольський, Лісовий, Райдужний, later — Вигурівщина-Троєщина, Харківський, Осокорки but Позняки, the row of multistory hotels is built also — «Libid» (17 floors, 1971 ), «Slavoutich» (16 floors, 1972 ), «Kiev» (20 floors, 1973 ), «Russia» (21 floor, 1979 )., «Tourist» (1980th, 26 floors). Parallel the network of higher educational establishments spread, new cultural cells (in particular, Theater of drama and comedies and Youth theater) were created, museums, among which Музей народної архітектури та побуту УРСР, Музей історії Києва but Музею історії Великої Вітчизняної війни with the 62-meter statue of Motherland-mother. At the same time ideological dictatorship recommenced from middle of 1960th, and Kiev becomes a center дисидентського руху. the first mass arrests of the Ukrainian dissidents (. and Gorini, P.Zalivaha, S.Caravansciy, V.Moroz, A.Shevchouc and in.) happened in 1965, next waves of arrests were rolled 1972 (V.Chornovil, Z.Antonyoc, I.Dzyoba, V.Stous) that on verge of 1970-h-80-h years. Ukrainian intelligentsia objected both against the repressions against Ukrainians, and against encroachment of USSR in Czechoslovakia (1968), renewal of justice was required in relation to crimscotatarscogo people, rights for believers were protected. Unprecedented establishment of 1966 year became by an act Г.Москаленком but В.Куксою at night on the roof of the Kiev institute of national economy of Ukrainian national to the flag. In 1976 in Kiev is founded Українська Гельсінкська Група, that was instrumental in defence of rights for the Gelsincscih agreements in put prison accordant. Stopping of repressions and returning of politv'yazniv on Ukraine began only in times the alteration after 1986 year.
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Part 7:
Demography Pursuant to official data, the permanent population of Kiev makes a 2661 thousand of persons. Exact data about the real amount of habitants (inclusive with priigdgimi) are not present, but after consumption of products it is estimated (on the average) in a 4 million by 130 thousand persons. Together with surrounding suburbs Kiev forms Київську агломерацію with the combined population of a 5,2 million of habitants. Except for Ukrainians which make majority of population (about 83 %), in Kiev the representatives live about 130 nationalities. Among them — росіяни — 337,300 (13.1 євреї — 17,900 (0.7 білоруси — 16,500 (0.6 поляки — 6,900 (0.3 вірмени — 4,900 (0.2 азербайджанці — 2,600 (0.1 татари — 2,500 (0.1 грузини — 2,400 (0.1 молдавани — 1,900 (0.1 %). However it does not take place of localization of minorities in microregions.[7] The habitants of Kiev name itself ciyamnami. In such form політонім it is used with князівських часів, that it is displayed in Повісті временних літ («Svyatopolcъ s?де in Ciev? on ottsi svoem, I sozva Cыyanы») but Руській Правді («Micыforъ Cыyaninъ»). After a linguistic sign, in 2002 67 % kievers were considered a mother tongue українську, however only 18 % communicate exceptionally Ukrainian, in that time as 48 % communicate exceptionally російською but 34 % communicate by both languages depending on the circumstances. [8] After a religious sign, in 2006 64 % named the habitants of Kiev itself by believers. The bulk of believing habitants of Kiev is made православні, which are parafiyanami Київського (67 % believers) or Московського (18 Patriarchy. It is comparative small part of believers either behaves to some other confessions (3 %), or in general is bothered to identify itself with some certain confession (12 %)[9]. Economy Growth VRP in 2006 — 5.3 %. On 2004 year there is the combined volume прямих іноземних інвестицій made 2.7 milliards of dollars, export — 4.13 milliards of dollars. On Kiev is 5,6 % population of Ukraine, 20 % VVP, 30 % direct foreign investments. VRP per capita on 75 % higher than middle on a country (6800$). In 2004 a 1,35 million work was had, from them a 884 thousand (65.6 on enterprises large and middle. 79 % work in the sphere of services, from them 23 % — in the field of trade, 15 % — in the field of the real estate. Only 21 % it is busy in industrial production. The sphere of services gives over 82 % VRP cities, and over 30 % appeal of country in the sphere of services. Unemployment below after 5 %. Sectors of sphere of services, that give basic payment to the economy of Kiev — transport and communications, trade shallow and wholesale, and real estate, services legal and financial. The retail business, information technologies, finances, is the key growing sectors of economy. [10]
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Part 8:
Industry One of most industrial centers of Ukraine. Almost 300000 work on production: in mashinoboudouvanni, to treatment of metals, to food retail industry and other. In Kiev there are the known in a world АНТК імені Антонова, Institute of the electozvaryovannya name E.O. Patona. Wages By the state on March, 2007 middle nominal wages — 1886 UAH on a month. In particular, after the basic types of activity: in building — 1 673 UAH, in a transport and communication — 2256 UAH, in trade — 1784,88 UAH, in industry — 1693 UAH, in the health protection and grant of social help — 859 UAH, in education — 1237 UAH, in state administration — 3012 UAH, in activity in the field of culture and sport, rest and entertainments — 1 730 UAH [11] Transport Kiev is the considerable transport knot of Ukraine. Motor transport highways, railway connection and water-ways of report, belong to the number of transport highways of city of Kiev. Have an important role in transport connection bridges through Dnepr, and in intercity passenger transportations — subway. Developed also bus, trolleybus and streetcar networks, a funicular works. River transport Kiev river port was founded in July 1897 year after completion of building of the Kiev harbour. Moorages of port stretch from the Postal area to станції метро «Дніпро». In soviet times on Dnepr both freight transportations and passenger trips of connection suburban and distant were regularly executed. In contemporaneity the trips on Dnepr are considered unprofitable — are executed mainly progoulyancovi and tourist. Фарватер Dnepr will be used also for transporting of large loads.
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Part 9:
Subway From this theme you can find more detailed information in the article Київське метро. In Kiev considerably developed система метрополітену. WITH 1960 to the year 3 lines are built by general length over 60 km, that have 45 станцій, which serve an approximately 1,7 million of passengers daily. A lot of the stations of underground passage are the monuments of history and culture. Today the tube stations are into smithereens glued up by advertising. On the given time, building of the fourth and planning of fifth line of subway is conducted. Streetcar Kiev was the first city Російської імперії but one of the first in Europe, which motion was opened in трамваїв. The first streetcar was neglected in June 1892 on a line a 1,5 km on the Olecsandrivscomou getting up (now — the Volodimirsciy getting up). In 1948 in Kiev the clearly first became in USSR лінія швидкісного трамваю from the area of Victory to the housing array Південна Борщагівка. In 1990 year became climactic in development of streetcar network — the general slowness of tracks made a 275,9 km, a production base counted 904 passenger streetcar carriages, the annual volume of transportations arrived at to a 438 million From middle of 1990th years the streetcar economy falls into decay gradually, on 2005 year the proper indexes diminished to a 258,3 km and 509 surface-cars, the annual volume of transportations made about 175,6 mln[12]. After a reconstruction мосту Патона in 2005 the streetcar network of city was torn on two separated parts — left-bank and right-bank. Funicular From this theme you can find more detailed information in the article Київський фунікулер. Фунікулер, or the «Mihaylivsciy electric rope getting» up, was built on initiative by the tools of society of the Kiev city railway as an effective method of abbreviation of path from the Overhead city on Hem and in reverse direction. It is brought into action in digestive 1905 Length of path made 193 m. Tested reconstructions in 1928 (it was prolonged on 38 m) 1958 but 1984 years. Trolleybus
Works on organization тролейбусного руху in Kiev were begun in 1934 welcomes back to Kiev the status of capital. Voul. became the first trolleybus route Red army soldier (now In. Vasilcivsca). In post-war time the trolleybus economy of Kiev develops constantly. WITH 1991 to the year on the trolleybus routes of Kiev the trolleybuses of domestic production in particular Kiev the factory of electrotransportou (were made in 1991-94) are plied, Kiev aviazavodou, VO «Pivdenmash» (Dnepropetrovsk) and the Lvov motor-car factory.[13] On 2000 in Kiev operated 35 trolleybus the routes. The spread of network attained a 324,9 km, a park makes 640 machines, from which 24 % — zamortizovani. In digestive in 2006 the amount of trolleybus routes in Kiev attained 44. Works 4 trolleybus depots.
Part 10:
Bus First to inculcate regular bus motion in Kiev made to attempt to 1913 year yet. Actually valuable work to the bus began to 1925 year only. Then 2 busses worked on an unique route. Now in Kiev operates bl.90 bus routes which engulf by itself all parts of city, the amount of busses exceeds 700 units. 8 bus parks work. Bridges through Dnepr
The first capital bridge through Dnepr was built in 1853 year — the so called Chain bridge. In 1870 year, building of metallic railway bridge were begun under the direction of military engineer And. E. Strouve, second railway bridge — Petrivsciy — is built in 1929. In the district of present bridge Patona there was also t.zv. Navodnitsciy bridge of pontoon construction, that gave the name to the streets Staronavodnitsciy and Novonavodnitsciy. During Large Вітчизняної Війни all bridges through Dnepr were blasted. After liberation of Kiev (6.11.1943) temporal wooden bridges were built. Today the banks of Dnepr within the limits of city connect 7 мостів, from them 4 motor-car — Московський, міст метро, міст Патона but Південний, two railway — Дарницький but Петрівський, and also foot-bridge. Society and culture During the centuries-old history extracted enormous properties in a culture and art. Today in Questions of activity of establishments of city submission coultourno-osvitnih, artistic Main administration of culture of Kiev city state administration, in the conduct of which 18 theaters of city and 4 theaters of district submission, 6 concert organizations are counted, is engaged. Sights of architecture The most old structures of Kiev behave to the XI-XII centuries, when Kiev was the center of the powerful European state — Русі. Zberiglisya also houses of XVII-XVIII ages, however prevail in the architectural face of city of structure of the second half of XIX age, and beginning of ХХ age, executed in style modern and constructivism. To the number of the most considerable architectural sights of Kiev the following. Music It is the main cells of modern musical life of city of Kiev — Національна опера України, Національна філармонія України, Будинок органної та камерної музики, Київський державний театр оперети. Concerts академічної музики pass also in Large and small halls Національної музичної академії ім. П.І.Чайковського, concert hall of House of the audio recording Будинку вчених, House of teacher, House of Actor, concert stages of Central and Hreshatogo parks.. The concerts of entertaining music pass in Palace «Ukraine», Sport Palace, October Palace, Ukrainian house, DC CPI, Central house of artist, a concert the hall FreeDom and other halls[14].. In warm time of year concerts and festivals of Ukrainian etno- and рок-musics pass also on Співочому полі.. It is the popular musical cells of city also «Джаз Клуб» but клуб "Бабуїн" . Periodically in Kiev musical festivals are conducted, in particular: academic music — КиївМузикФест, Форум музики молодих, Музичні прем'єри сезону, «Vladimir Craynev invites» the festival of fortepiannoi music, festival of choral music Золотоверхий Київ; and also festivals of vaudeville music — Червона Рута, Країна мрій but other . By a notable musical event 2005 conducting in Kiev of song competition became to the year «Євробачення». Periodic musical competitions are inalienable part of musical life of capital: pianists — пам'яті В.Горовиця, dirigentiv — im. S.Tourchaca, choral collectives — im. M.Leontovicha, vocalists — im. Salome Croushelnitscoi, bandura-players — im. Gnata Hotcevicha, and also bagatoprofilniy competition of the name M.Lisenca. Such prominent musicians worked in Kiev, as Микола Лисенко, Олександр Кошиць, Микола Леонтович, Яків Степовий, Кирило Стеценко, Рейнгольд Глієр, Болеслав Яворський, Левко Ревуцький, Борис Лятошинський, Григорій Верьовка, Борис Гмиря, Степан Турчак, Іван Карабиць, Володимир Симоненко. Among modern composers — Валентин Сильвестров but Євген Станкович.
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Part 11:
Fine art The centers of fine art in Kiev are Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури but Національна спілка художників України. Rich artistic collections are represented in the Kiev museums — Національному художньому музеї, Музеї російського мистецтва but Музеї імені Богдана та Варвари Ханенко. Create the modern Ukrainian artists are exhibited in the gallery of union of artists, to the city gallery of arts of «laurel», row of galleries on Андріївському узвозі and others like that. In 1960th years on an arena the artists, that seize different directions of the European painting — expressionism, go out (Михайло Грицюк, Ігор Григорьєв), fonizmou (Grigoriy Gavrilenco), surrealism (Іван Марчук). Decorative neofolclorni qualities were brought in in employment by painting and graphic arts by the participants of the group incorporated round collection of folk art of Ivan Gonchara (Віктор Зарецький, Георгій Якутович). The newest stage of artistic creation in Kiev begins with wedging out ande”raoundou 1987 , when Union of artists arranged the exhibition of youths. First from 1920th the rr Ukrainian artists again declared about itself at an international level, in particular it is abstractions Тіберій Сильваші, Анатолій Криволап, Петро Лебединець, Микола Кривенко, creator of palimpsests Олександр Дубовик, contseptoualist Володимир Бовкун, неодадаїст-cartographer Юрій Соломко but other.
Sport In town it is enough popular футбол, хокей, баскетбол, гандбол and волейбол. In it there are a lot of sporting clubs. It is soccer clubs: «Динамо», «Арсенал» «Оболонь», ЦСКА, hockey club «Сокіл», handball club «spartac», basket-ball club «Builder». the most important arenas of sporting competitions are НСК «Олімпійський», sport Palace, stadiums «Динамо», «Оболонь», and also Спортивне поле, on which to 1913 year, conducting of all-russian olympiad was planned. Also in Kiev works Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України. in 2012 on NSC «Olipmpiyscomou» conducting of matches is planned Чемпіонату Європи з футболу 2012. Education and science Beginning with a 9 item Kiev was the important center of intellectual process in Східній Європі Beginning from the end of the XVII item Києво-Могилянська академія prepared a lot of prominent scientists And today Kiev — scientific center most in Ukraine. Here are 18 institutes of higher:
I'm Ukrainian. I'm 10,7 years old. I live in Troeshchina and study in Gymnasium,,Troyeshchyna''. My favourite place in Kyiv: Troyeshchyna. My favourite cartoon:Ben 10.