What are the 13 states that first formed the USA in 1776?
Can you find them on the map?
The first 13 states of America were basically British colonies, that rebelled against British rule in 1775 and gained independence on July 4, 1776. The first 13 states of America are:
1. Province of New Hampshipe.
2.Province of Massachusetts Bay
3.Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
4.Connecticut Colony.
5. Province of New York.
6.Province of New Jersey
7. Province of Pennsylvania.
8. Delaware Colony
9. Province of Maryland
10.Colony and Dominion of Virginia
11. Province of North Carolina
12. Province of South Carolina
13. Province of Georgia
For more information about these colonies, following link can be used;
- изготовление любых аксессуаров для мобильных телефонов с торговой маркой заказчика; - изготовление аксессуаров для мобильных телефонов с китайскими торговыми марками и торговыми марками известных мировых брендов; - доставка и таможенная очистка ( авиа, море, Украина и Россия ); - контроль количества и качества заказываемых товаров... -комплектующие к мобильным телефонам.
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