The British Library was established in 1973 by the British Library Act of 1972. This national library was part of the British Museum, which provided much of the new library holdings, together with various smaller organizations, which were also included in the structure of the British Library (such as the British National Bibliography). In 1983, the Library "swallowed" National Sound Archive. Core Historical Library collections based on the number of donations and acquisitions from the eighteenth century, known as "basic collection". They include books and manuscripts of Sir Robert Cotton (Robert Cotton), Sir Hans Sloan (Hans Sloane), Robert Hurley and King George III.
For many years the Library collection was dispersed in various buildings around central London, in places such as Bloomsbury (in the British Museum), Chancery lane, and Holborn, with the subscription department at Resorts Boston Yorkshire and Newspaper Library in Colindale, north-west London. British Library - History of the British Library However, in 1997 with the main collection was placed in a single new building on the road Yuston next to the railway station Saint-pancreas. The new library was designed by architect Colin St. John Wilson. This - the largest public building constructed in Britain in the 20 th century. However, newspaper archives are still located in Colindale and Document Supply Center is still in Yorkshire. In the Library is also a book warehouse for storing materials Vulidzhe, south-east London. Inside the building is a four-glass tower that contains the library of the King, with 65 000 printed volumes, along with other brochures, manuscripts, and maps collected by King George III between 1763 and 1820 years. Since 2000 Leader of the British Library was Lynne Brindley.
Parliamentary Act in 1911 established the principle of the Legal deposit, guaranteeing that the British Library, along with five other libraries in the UK and Ireland, is entitled to receive a free copy of each printed document issued in the UK.