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Main » 2012 » August » 26 » New Directions for One Day in the Life Project
New Directions for One Day in the Life Project

Dear iEARN 'One Day in the Life' teachers,

We are VERY excited about the new iEARN Collaboration Centre! We'd like to take advantage of this big change in iEARN's forum system to make some big improvements to our project as well. Below are some proposed changes to the project - please let us know what you think!
How can we improve iEARN's One Day in the Life project?  Certainly, we want to find ways to encourage more conversation between our students on the forum. What problems have you discovered? Do you have any new ideas?
Here are our thoughts: 
1. Partner Circles. 
We'd like to adopt a new system that is successfully being used in other iEARN projects: the idea of informal partner 'circles'. Here's how it might work:
Teachers would sign up to work with their students on a particular theme (like 'Mealtime' or 'Where I Live') and be paired with 3-7 other teachers with similar-aged students, schedules, and interests. Each Partner Circle would be given a start and end date to complete the project. Teachers and students will still be able to participate freely anytime, as they always have, but there would now be scheduled, coordinated participation which we hope will encourage timely feedback and conversation. Perhaps we could offer a circle on a different theme each month - September could be 'Mealtime", for instance, with a deadline of 15 September for students to post their work, and 30 September to read and respond to posts by other students in their Circle. Of course, you would be able to request a theme and a schedule anytime, and if we can find enough interest we will create a new Circle.  *What do you think?*
2. New Facilitators; New Language?
We want to improve the management of this project.(Marta and I have often struggled to keep up with it!) So now we'd like to introduce you to Ms. Ehsan Saeed of Yemen, who will be co-facilitating this project with Marta and I. She will be assisted by veteran One Day teacher Arwa Al-Awadi of iEARN-Yemen. With Ehsan and Arwa's help, one of the new ideas we'd like to propose to you is to allow Arabic posts (in addition to English and Spanish) so that Arabic-speaking students with limited English skills can participate in the project.  *What do you think?*
We'd also like to introduce you to Ms. Napatsakorn Loha, who has also tentatively agreed to co-facilitate the One Day project.  Of all of the One Day teachers (including myself), I suspect Napatsakorn may well have the most experience with our project, having successfully led many hundreds - if not thousands - of Thai students through the project over the years. Please be aware that Napasakorn is now teaching in a rural community with very limited internet connectivity; nevertheless she has offered to do what she can to help facilitate.
Finally, Ms. Musarat Anjum of Pakistan has also volunteered to help out, and will help facilitate one or two themes and/or circles. She will be assisted by the amazing Alema Nasim of iEARN-Pakistan. Thank you Musarat (and Alema!)
3. 12.12.12.  While interested teachers are encouraged to participate in One Day on Earth's third film project once again, what do you think about using iEARN student footage from 12.12.12 to make our own short amateur film about a day in the life of iEARN students around the world? Perhaps we can use a collaborative film-making tool like WeVideo or something similar to edit it online. *What do you think?*
4. Even More Ideas.  *What do you think?*
• Showcasing the very best work. We want to showcase exceptional student work in the One Day project, to serve as an example to other teachers and students. In the coming year, can you help us identify the best of the best?
• Encourage student questions.  Please encourage your students to ask direct questions in their posts. Asking good questions encourages good responses.
• Teacher participation. Participate yourself! What was your day like? 
• Recruiting student leaders and teacher volunteers. We need help! Do you have a good older student who might be willing to serve as an assistant facilitator for a theme or Circle? Would you be willing to oversee a specific themes or circles for a month or two?
• New themes. Do you have a good idea for a new theme? Or new media (e.g. audio clips?) We do need to be culturally sensitive - photos and videos made inside the home or of other people can be very uncomfortable in many communities, for instance.
Some other important news:
- 11.11.11 Questionnaire
Susan Kuo from iEARN-Taiwan is asking all iEARN teachers who participated in 11.11.11 project last year to take an online questionnaire at  [ ] .  She is doing important research on how an iEARN teacher guides their students in the classroom. If you participated on 11.11.11, please take a few minutes to fill out this important survey.
Thank you for your thoughts on all of this! We really look forward to working with you and your students in the coming months.
Mr. Chris Baer
Art, Design & Technology Instructor
Martha's Vineyard Regional High School
Oak Bluffs, MA USA

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