The week is an invitation for individuals, schools, community groups, service clubs, businesses, health institutions, schools and churches to join hearts and hands to create a better world. Remember, you can do these acts on your own, or as a part of a group: * Offer to help your neighbor weed their garden or mow their lawn. * Instead of buying a pet, adopt an abandoned animal from a shelter. * Volunteer to read to kids at your local library. * Say something nice to everyone you meet today. * Give a bag of groceries to a homeless person. * Send a friend an anonymous gift. * Pay the entrance fee for another family at your local pool or the movies. * Help an elderly neighbor with their household chores. * Volunteer at your local youth centre. * Donate blood. * Send a card to a lonely person. * When visiting a hospital, spend a few minutes with someone who doesn't have any visitors. * Smile at people you don't know. * Be kind to the environment by recycling, or use a clothesline rather than a dryer. * Donate money to a cause. * Be a friend to a new colleague.