Yesterday I got a letter from ETRC about upcoming Events in April.
It says the following:
Monday, April 11 from 4:00 – 5:30 PM Workshop:
Developing Academic Fluency in English Presenter: Cynthia McPhail, full professor and the chair of the Department of Language, Literacy and Technology in the School of Education at Nazareth College in Rochester, NY.
Reasons for studying English can vary from student to student. For the student who wishes to study abroad amongst native speakers of English, there may be a gap in language preparation, in particular in the area of academic fluency.
This workshop addresses ways in which the EFL teacher can better prepare the student who plans to use English to study other subject areas.
Cynthia McPhail is visiting Ukraine on April 11-16 through the English Language Specialist Program, a program within the U.S. Department of State English Language Programs Office.